MICROSOFT INTERNET EXPLORER 2.0 -- Unlocks the potential of the Internet

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Frequently Asked Questions about Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0 for Windows 95
Want to find out how to make the most of Microsoft Internet Explorer? Have a technical question you need answered? Try here.

For Authors Only
Learn how to create great-looking pages for Microsoft Internet Explorer.

More Information
In-depth information on Microsoft Internet Explorer including information for Service Providers, a Bug Report Form, and a Feature Request Form.

Showcase Page for Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0 for Windows 95
We use a fictitious company to illustrate the features that you can use to create great home pages specifically designed for Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0. We also provide a demo that shows you how these pages were created. These pages are best viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0.

Get the Microsoft Internet Explorer Logo!
Click here for details about how to use the Microsoft Internet Explorer logo on your web site.

Best Viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer